
The company Stireria Angie Srl was founded in 1986 by Mr and Mrs John Fasana Orizio Angela, still operating in this society.

The company operates in North Italy for about 30 years dealing with the production of fine garments for the most important companies in the sector.
The company is located in Via Fura 76 / A Brescia. The workforce of the company, as well as by the two founders, is organic consists of all employees with decades of experience. The building covers an area of 600 square meters.
We work for international logistics companies, industry clothing haute couture and ready-made packages.
Our Ironing is divided into two main operating areas.
In one area there is the ironing department consists of tables ironing blowers blowers and not used for ironing and review of the chiefs, from outerwear mannequins and trouser topper (all CE norms).
In the other we carry out the testing and inspection of all clothing with procedures carried out by attentive and skilled personnel.
We also have sewing machines for repair or applications, an automatic bagging machine and a vehicle for collection and delivery of the leaders.